Parent Handbook
Dear Parents,
Special thanks to Peggy Swingle, Marie C. Parkinson, and the many others who made this education possible
Welcome to Suzuki Piano Basics of Mansfield! You and your child are embarking on a wonderful adventure together. There will be beautiful views, difficult passes to cross, and wonderful feelings of satisfaction as the journey unfolds! As you reach new destinations and master new skills, spending time together becomes meaningful. Sometimes it will be fun, and sometimes it will be work. There will be laughter and tears. But, one thing that Suzuki parents worldwide agree on is that you're giving your child the priceless gifts of self-assurance and discovery through music.
My goal as teacher is to ensure your child's success.
Parents make an impact toward's their child's progress when they apply the following:
- Consistent and repetitive daily practices, daily playing of the CD, and attendance of all lessons and groups.
- Enjoy the process of learning. Every child's growth pattern is different and adults must learn to enjoy and respect each step along the way.
A large part of the Suzuki philosophy deals with character development as well as musical development. Growth in such areas as cooperation, concentration, coordination, attention span, patience, focus, persistence, relaxation and appreciation of others, is just as important as learning lots of pieces.
- Your child will mirror your attitudes. If you demonstrate a genuine interest in and love for music, your child will also. If you show interest in other children and get excited about their progress and achievements, your child will learn to see beyond himself and care for others. If you treat home practice as an exciting opportunity to apply what the teacher showed you at the lesson, your child will look forward to practicing.
- To obtain the proper equipment: a CD player and listen to repertoire frequently (see section on Listening); the best possible piano in good repair; an adjustable chair and footstools (see section on Pianos & Equipment); observe as many lessons as possible to share with your child the excitement of learning to play (see section on Observations); talk to other Suzuki parents, and feel free to call me with any questions or concerns.
Mostly, relax, enjoy your child's development, and have fun yourself learning more about music and your relationship with your child.
Your Cheerleader,
Laura Vincent