Laura Vincent - Instructor
Laura Vincent, began studying piano at age five in Mexico. She studied privately with Ron Morebello, (SDSU Music Dept. Chairman); Doris Koppelman, (SSA Teacher Trainer Pioneer); Mary Beth Cheney (Holy Names College graduate of Roy Bogus technique); and Cathy Hargrave, (SSA Teacher Trainer and graduate of Drs. Shinichi Suzuki and Haruko Kataoka in Japan.)
Instructor earned two Piano Pedagogy Certificates. She has performed at Grossmont College (San Diego area), at Las Positas College (San Francisco Bay area), and has taught at SMU (Southern Methodist University) during the summer Southwest Suzuki Piano Institute.
Instructor is a member of the NTSA (North Texas Suzuki Association) and served as a board member. She is registered with the SAA (Suzuki Association of the Americas.) She was a member of the MTAC (Music Teachers' Association of California) while residing & teaching there.
Music Volunteer
As an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, she has served in numerous music capacities since 1977. Church callings include: Piano Soloist, Congregational Organist, Choir Director, Choir Accompanist, Children's Choir Director, Primary Pianist, Relief Society Music Director & Pianist, Road show Director, Ward & Stake Music Chair.
Studio instructor has also volunteered to perform the piano & organ at community functions, such as school plays, community pageants, productions, nursing homes, weddings, and funerals.
Teaching Experience
Instructor has over 30 years piano teaching experience, and has enjoyed influencing over 150 students, both young and old, of all ability levels. With her beloved husband of 33 years, they’ve raised four children in a musical environment. Her personal and studio experience qualifies her to prepare other parents in assisting their children to pursue talent education and instilling a love of music in the home.
Mr. Bill Vincent also began his piano studies at age five in San Diego, CA. Mr. Vincent recently served as a member of the Board of Directors for the Van Cliburn Foundation.