Parent Handbook
The Suzuki Triangle
The mutually supportive working relationship among parent, teacher and child are clearly the most important factor in the success of the Suzuki Method. l This relationship functions like a triangle, the strongest physical structure one can build, and each side supports the others.
In this support triangle, each side has an important, yet different role in the learning process. The teacher is the leading edge of the triangle, and parents need to be able to place complete confidence in the teacher and her teaching.
The role of the teacher:
- Be a model of both piano performance and positive, joyful learning.
- Nurture and teach the parent to create a musical home environment.
- Teach each child as a respected individual.
- Provide what each student needs to progress at a reasonable pace.
- Maintain clear communication with the parent.
The role of the parent:
- Create a positive musical home environment.
- Play the CD every day for at least 2 hours.
- Seat the child properly, both at the lesson and at home.
- Attend all lessons and observe in a quiet, attentive way.
- Understand the main points of the lesson before leaving.
- Consistently practice with your child with love, honesty and respect.
- With the teacher's help, learn to read enough music to assist at home.
- Help the child learn notes and fingerings until no longer needed.
- Ensure that what was done at the lesson is faithfully repeated at home.
- Maintain a good line of communication with the teacher.
The role of the child:
- Treat the teacher, parents, and other students with respect.
- Learn the notes by listening.
- Allow the parent to help at the home practices.
- Spend time with your piano every day.